Conferentia Chemometrica 2022
An international conference on chemometrics and cheminformatics

We regret to inform you that we had to postpone this year's Conferentia Chemometrica due to low attendance and increased financial risks of the organization, brought forth by the serious challenges we are experiencing on a global scale (new COVID waves, war, inflation, etc.).
The next conference will take place on the tentative date of September 10-13, 2023, and will be dedicated to Prof. Károly Héberger on the occasion of his upcoming 70th birthday. We dearly hope that after two years of forced hiatus, we can continue the proud tradition of Conferentia Chemometrica: an international chemometric conference with a friendly atmosphere and cutting-edge scientific content.

This meeting of Hungarian chemometricians will be the 38th in a row. The meeting has become international in 1997. The title of the conference is now Conferentia Chemometrica, but in some earlier years it was the International Symposium on Computer Applications and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry. Selected papers of the conference appeared in Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (ACE&CC 2003, Vol. 72 No 2, CC2005 Vol. 87 Issue 1) and later in Journal of Chemometrics (CC2007, Vol. 22 Nos. 3-4, SCAC2008 Vol. 23 No. 4, CC2009 Vol. 24. Nos 3-4, SCAC 2010 Vol. 25 No 5, CC 2011 Vols 26 No 3-4, CC2013 Vol. 28 No 4, CC2015 Vol. 30 No 4, CC2017 Vol. 32 No 4, CC2019 Vol. 34 No 4).
The locations were the following so far: Budapest (2003, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2015), Tihany (2004), Hajdúszoboszló (2005), Balatonalmádi (2008), Siófok (2009), Sümeg (2011), Sopron (2013), Gyöngyös (2017), Karcag (2019).

Conferentia Chemometrica 2022 covers all aspects of chemometrics, as well as cheminformatics.
Conferentia Chemometrica is an international forum for chemometrics and chemoinformatics. According to the latest developments the scope of the conference is extended to: machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, big data, data mining, drug design, repurposing, model validation and related fields, while the traditional topics are also covered: Applications; Calibration; Classification; Cross-validation; Data analysis; Experimental design; Multivariate techniques (ANN, HCA, CART, GA, LDA, MCR-ALS, MLR, PCA, QDA, PAT, PCR, PLS, RR, SVM, WFA, etc.); Metabonomics and Metabolomics; Molecular fingerprints; New algorithms; N-way data analysis; Quality assurance; QSAR; QSPR; QSRR; Spectroscopy; teaching of chemometrics, etc.

The official language of the conference is English.